I solemnly swear that I am a mom of two little girls. Trust me, ok? And now go read this bit of news about a blogger mom who faked her babys death (are you sitting down for this?) to get hits in her blog!
Read Beccahs apology here: http://littleoneapril.blogspot.com/2009/06/i-am-sorry_14.html
I dont know whether to feel sorry for her or angry. But the tonnes of people who followed her blog - how betrayed they must feel! No one likes to be screwed, especially emotionally! What is this world coming to, huh? Above is a picture of a similar Reborn doll like the one Beccah used in her blog. Can someone get it for me, pretty please? I would like to shock my mom the next time she visits me! ;)
Link via DDMom.