Kiran came up with this idea to dedicate the month of March to the awareness of Learning Disabilities in Children. Many bloggers have contributed valuable information and tips on this subject. Check them out.
Tharini on Types of Learning Disabilities.
Lak writes about the self esteem of a child with learning disabilities.
Kiran - How Parents can work with their child.
GnD on Treating/managing the disability.
Cee Kay on ADHD.
Cee Kay on Being an advocate for your child.
Sue talks about her brother - Examining Disability.
Priya talks about her daughter - "We Have Come Such A Long Way"
Will update the post as and when more posts come up. Please leave a link in the comment section if you have any information or experience to share on this subject. Thanks.
its great to discover your wonderful blogs here & highlighting issues with disbaility. I work with kids who have both ADHD & ASD. Much appreciated, Eva
It's good to see that this month has been dedicated to Learning Disabilities. Though information and knowledge and concessions for children with different types of LD have improved, attitudes still have a long way to go. I'm linking here to an association that works in my state of Kerala, in this field
you have a cool site over here!..great job..
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