April 4, 2007

What do we learn from our kids?

I have always wondered if mothers can be atheists. This post has made me realize its almost impossible. What do you think?

I’ve learnt that my womb has only been an instrument to bring this soul into the world and once brat is an adult my work will have been done, and what I do to bring brat up is only repaying my karmic debt to my mother for bringing me up. I believe now in the verse written by Kahlil Gibran which says your children are not yours to keep.I’ve learnt that the sky is different colours at various parts of the day and Jai Jai Bhagwanji actually sits up there with his crayon and watercolours to keep changing the look.

This reminds me to publish the post I have in my draft for a very long time on Moms and their belief in God.


Unknown said...

Hey thanks boo, great that it meant so much to you to link it...

Bong Mom said...

Hey Boo
Ha, ha, I think April 1 did something to both of us :)

But these blogs will be very different. Mine is going to be a group blog and will be more of a forum where Moms come across and share ideas etc. They may or may NOT have had the post is their own blog

You are very welcome to join. It would be my pleasure :)

Anusha said...

I love the idea, Boo and love this snippet - guess it is time to blogroll karmickids and several others I see here...!
and I thought I had the mommy sphere covered ;)

Me too said...

I try that my agnostic views don't influence my kid and feel sheepish when she asks questions like 'where was I before I was born, ma?'

Await your draft post to see the light soon!

B o o said...

K - It was touching post so thank you.

Sandeepa - I would be honored to. Thanks for the offer. will send u a mail soon, but God knows how Im going to get the time!

@ - I discovered quite a few blogs while I was linking up. Moms rule!

aparna - My post got too sentimental. I ll try to post it soon.

Unknown said...

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one more book named "ONE BOOK FOR LIFE SUCCESS" which is truly
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